Personal & Ministerial Formation of Students – AG BIBLE COLLEGE

Personal & Ministerial Formation of Students

Personal & Ministerial Formation of Students

1. Describe the strategies and programs designed for spiritual development of the students.

The following scheduled sessions are designed for the spiritual development of the students at AGTBC
5.00 am – 5.45 am Morning Prayer
8.55 am- 9.45 am Morning Chapel Service
9:30 am– 9:50 pm Night Prayer
Every Monday 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Class Prayer
Every Friday 11:30 am – 2:00 pm Fasting Prayer
Special Days of Prayer will be arranged periodically
Spiritual Emphasis Week – Twice a Year
Pastoral Care Groups – Once in a Month

2. What procedure is followed for identifying development in the lives of your students in each of the following areas:

Personal growth in spiritual disciplines

Through a closer observation by the Dean of Students, Director of Evangelism and the Faculty Members, award for the outstanding achievements in spiritual discipline in given to students annually.

Meaningful role in local ministry contexts

Week-end ministry report in maintained by the evangelism director. We receive a report from the local pastor where the students do week-end ministry

Noticeable improvement in ministry skills

Award for outstanding achievements for evangelism is given for selected students.

Increased self-confidence (or confidence in God)

Students live a faith life for them needs including the college fees.

Communication skills, including preaching, counseling

Students are taught how to communicate with others. They not only learn Homiletics in the classes along with sermon preparations, but also are given a chance to preach in the chapel services. Students are asked to write a paper regarding how they counsel people and communicate the gospel. In personal evangelism students have been taught to have dialogue with people without offending them. In certain classes, such as Children Ministry, Ethics etc., students are given time to preach on certain issues. They are also asked to write term papers within 10 to 20 pages for different courses.

Interpersonal dialogue, teaching and writing

The students get opportunities to have interpersonal dialogues and teaching with people of other faith during their week-end ministry, summer ministry and mission trip.

Attitude of Servant hood

If in observed in their assigned duties on campus as well as their behavior in social gatherings.
General conduct that reflects Biblical values and standards submissive to the authority, chaste in dealing with opposite sex is observed.

3. What types of counseling service are made available to students? How is this administered and by whom?

The faculty members in each department counsel the students as per their needs; educational problem is counseled by Academic Dean; money matters – Bursar; campus problems – Dean of students; week – end ministry problems -Evangelism Director; Family problems -Principal. All the faculty members are asked to be available to counsel students who need help.

4. How does the institution instill a positive attitude among the students towards the church, its leadership, and its ministry?

This institution is a church related institution. Students have been sent and sponsored by the churches. Most of the Assemblies of God Pastors in Tamilnadu are graduates from AGTBC. There is a good relationship between institution and churches.

5. Does the institution have a Field Education? Internship requirement for the programs offered? If so, please explain the mechanics of this program. Describe the procedure for reporting and evaluating of student involvement/participation? How long has the program been in existence?

This College programs are based on “self propagation, self support and self government”. Students are sent to local churches every week end. During summer holidays each student is sent to churches for one month. Students also have been sent to North India for one month for missionary training. The above things have been done for quite a long time.

6. What has been some evaluation feedback on this program? Has any action been taken based on the feedback?

The students are asked to bring report about the summer ministry and week end ministry. Chapel services are specially arranged for students. Each local church sends report regarding the students. Students are appreciated for their ministry. Students who have problem in the field are called personally in the faculty meeting and are advised to be careful and improve in the program assigned to them.

7. Describe each programs that is to be accredited with reference to the graduation requirements relating to the following:

a. Internship Field work Research requirements
weekend ministry observed by the local church pastor Report is received regarding the ministry Local pastors arrange programs for the students in the respective churches
Students are involved in evangelism, care cell meeting and involvement in leading worship. Field works in based on communication, visitation and involvement in the ministry on Saturday and Sunday M.Div students are asked to write a thesis (50 pages) or additional of two subjects
b. Character Ministerial assessment
The college emphasizes spiritual life vital for ministry. Students are awarded for their scholastic achievements, spirituality, character and cooperation. Each students is observed by the faculty in the following teaching writing revives of conducting of prayer meeting and chapel preaching. Their training in the local churches help them to be recruited for future ministry.

8. What are the strengths and areas needing improvement in the personal and ministerial formation components of the program? How do you plan to achieve these improvements?

Within two or three years, a graduate of AGTBC is able to pioneer a church, or help a pastor in a particular church. Within 10 years, the graduate is able to buy a land, build a church and become indigenous. He also begins branch churches in other places. The Assemblies of God in Tamilnadu Support graduates towards house rent and family needs at the initial stages.
