Admission Requirements
a) Candidates seeking admission at the A.G. Tamilnadu Bible College must have a definite born-again experience (John 3:5-8). They must be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues according to Acts 2:4. They must have taken water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19,20).
b) Candidates must have a definite call to the full time ministry. c) For B.Th., a candidate must have passed Higher Secondary (+2). For Dip.Th., one must have passed S.S.L.C. For M.Div. any college degree or its equivalent is for the B.Th. English medium and the candidate must pass the English Proficiency test conducted by the college. And for Modular Studies, for B.Th any ATA or Non-ATA Theological Diploma or Higher Secondary (+2) passed with ministerial experience and for M.Div. any college degree or B.Th degree ATA or Non-ATA degree from any theological institution.
d) Candidates must be in good state of health. e) They should have completed 18 years of age beginning of the academic year (June).
f) They must have satisfactorily completed at least one year practical ministry under a local pastor, at the time of admission.
g) The candidate should pass the entrance examinations in Bible, General Knowledge, English and Tamil Languages conducted by the college at the time of interview.
h) They should submit the duly filled in application of the A.G. Tamilnadu Bible College with all other relevant documents at least by the end of April for admission in the following school year. The Director of Admissions shall inform the candidate the decision of the faculty. No candidate shall proceed to the college unless he is informed about his / her admission by the Director of Admissions.
i) The Bible college reserves the right to modify regulations, fees requirements, curriculum and scholarships from time to time as may prove desirable.
Fee Structure