1. Please state the basic spiritual, academic and ministry qualifications expected of all instructional staff, Faculty, Course writer, Tutors, etc.
Born again spirit filled and committed to Christian ministry are chosen as faculty. A minimum Qualification of the faculty member is M.Div from an accredited College. They also must have two years of pastoral experience.
2. How are faculty selected? Are there policies or procedures governing the selection procedures?
The Principal in consultation with the Board of Directors appoints the faculty members.
3. How are faculty evaluated by the institution and students?
The Principal and Academic Dean monitor the performance of faculty members. The students are given an evaluation form to evaluate the teaching of the faculty.
4. What strategies are employed to reward those who demonstrate outstanding effectiveness in teaching or text development?
Faculty members are appreciated by the principal and the Board of Directors and recognized in front of the students.
5. Briefly describe your faculty development program.
Full time Faculty members are allowed to pursue higher studies either full time or part time. The college meets their financial needs partially during the course of their study.
6. Is the administration sensitive to the personal and professional welfare of the faculty and staff? If so, in what ways are these met?
Yes. College administration extends helping hand to those who are in need.
7. Does the instruction maintain files conforming the individual credentials of faculty including copies of validated resumes and transcripts?
8. Give the following information regarding each member of the faculty (full-time, part-time, visiting) and administrative staff (if it applies). For institutions with non formal programs, please include course writers and tutors.
The College Administration. The course writers are faculty members. They are asked to prepare printed notes for their respective subjects.