Academic Programs & Standards
1. How are the duties of the academic department personnel and committees defined and carried out? Where are these stated and how are they made clear to the department personnel as well as those from the other departments?
The duties of the Academic department personal and committees are defined in the “Service Rules, Policy” and “Job summaries and duties” of the AG Tamilnadu Bible College. They are carried out through the respective personnel according to the discussions and decisions taken in the periodical faculty meetings. Approved service Rules and Job descriptions are enclosed.
The Academic department consists of the following personals:
Principal, Academic Dean and Director of Admissions.
2. Do you have a curriculum committee? If you do not, who makes decisions regarding curriculum? What are the functions of the committee? How active is the committee in terms of responding to the training needs of the students?
Yes, we do have a curriculum committee. All the teaching faculty members of the AGTBC are the members of the committee. The following are the functions of this committee.
- Setting up the curriculum
- Reviewing the Curriculum
- Scrutinizing the syllabus written by the teaching faculty members
- Getting the study-notes ready for every subject taught in each course.
The committee is active in responding to the training need of the students. In introduces new subjects according to the needs that arise from the churches, mission field as well as theological context.
3. Describe the record system maintained by the academic department. So you keep a copy of the records elsewhere?
The following records are maintained at the academic office.
- Student Attendance an Grade Record Book.
- Grade Sheet
- Registration form for each student for every semester
- Application forms are maintained at the academic office with the help of the Director of Admissions.
4. Does the institution keep adequate records of receipt, grading and return of exams?
5. What is the grading system used? What is your procedure for reporting grades? How is the accuracy/relevance of the test and measurement tools ensured for a fair grading of students? Is there standardized grading systems and procedures?
The AGTBC follows a standardized grading system. The particulars are given in the prospectus. Student attendance and Grade Record Book is maintained to record weekly attendance and monthly grades. A consolidated grade sheet is being used to report the final grade.
6. The transcript services, designed and format for transcript adequate?
7. Does the institution maintain an award system for students? Do these awards promote the development of desired skills and qualifications for students?
Yes. An award system for students is maintained. This system promote the development of the desired skills and qualifications for students?
- Academic awards are given to those who score the highest grades in studies in their respective classes.
- Campus life awards are given for hard works, co-operation and spirituality.
8. Is a good blend of theory, practice and lifestyle modeling reflected in the institution curricula? What evidence is there that this is so? If not, what action is being planned to promote a balance of these training elements? How is the teaching of the faculty monitored?
Yes, the students are able to put into practice, what they learn in the class rooms. They are able to follow role-models on campus as well s in the churches as they go out for week-end practical ministry. Most of the students assist pastors in their week-end evangelism, others help in pioneering ministry.
9. what are the teaching methods used by the faculty to ensure effective learning?
Lecturer, class presentation, visual aids, seminars, grow direction, Power Point presentation.
10.Describe the scheduling of classes at the institution.
08.00am – 08.50 Period I
08.55am – 09.45 Chapel
09.55am – 10.45 period II
10.45am – 11.05 Tea Break
11.05am – 11.55 Period III
12.00pm – 12.50 Period IV
12.50pm – 02.00 Lunch break
02.00pm – 02.50 Period V
02.55pm – 03.45 Period VI
06.30pm – 08.30 Study Hours
11. What is the average size of classes handled by the teachers?
Maximum 15 to 20 students
12. What is the credit unit standard?
The semester system is followed in our Bible College. A semester consists of sixteen weeks: Fifteen weeks of classes and one week of final examinations. One unit consists of 15 class sessions. Each class session is 50 minutes.
13. Please provide a description of each program that is to be accredited with reference to the following:
- Purpose/Objective
- Target group
- Context and contextual Issues
- Course offerings
- Entrance requirements
- Graduation requirements
- Total number of class hours required
- Length of program in years
- Internship/fieldwork requirements
- Character Assessment
- Passing grade/grade point average
- Faculty and qualifications
- How is the program adapted to the motivation, gift and background of individual Students?
- List the instructional resources (including library, teaching aids, textbooks, study guides, etc.) and training opportunities: Are these adequate for the program?
answer for a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i – in the appendix (prospectus)
- Th in the Extension Centers
- Div, as Block -courses in the Residential campus at Madurai.
Separate prospectus for each program is attached as appendix.
14. Describe the process of selection of applicants for admission into the program. Are educational qualifications properly documented?
The Selection Process:
- Application and Prospectus send on request
- Filled-in application received and processed.
- Queries (if any) dealt with
- Interview Letter sent
- Candidate interviewed personally by the faculty.
- Written exams on selective subjects: Bible; English; General Knowledge is given if
- Qualified Candidate admitted.
- Educational qualification is properly documented.
15. What is policy regarding admission of transfer students? Is there a policy for grading of advanced credit for previous studies on work experience. If so describe it. What is the policy governing Transfer of credits from Extension programmes to changes to campus – based programs?
Previous course credits are accepted, considering the standard and accreditation of the previous school.Extension program to campus program also follows the same policy as above.
16. What procedure does your program have for identifying development in the lives of your students in each of the following areas: Mastery of the biblical, theological, a.historical and practical content of the curriculum?
Subjects related to Bible, Christian theology, Religion and society, Church History, Evangelism, Practical Theology and Missions are taught in the Classes to inculcate a comprehensive knowledge of Scripture, Christian doctrine and in other areas. Special seminars conducted by the senior pastors and missionaries enable students to keep abreast understanding of the subjects covered throughout the course of study is recapitulated by the qualifying exams conducted prior to the Graduation. In the masters level the qualifying students write thesis on specific subjects. The above helps them to analyze data and synthesize ideas.
17. What are the strengths and areas needing improvement in the academic component? How do you plan to achieve them?
AGTBC needs to include various subjects in the curriculum which the ministry of the church demands in accordance with the global of ministry.